What is Shop Floor Control in an ERP Software?

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In the manufacturing industry, one of the essential aspects that must be managed effectively is the shop floor. The shop floor is where production takes place, and it is crucial to ensure that everything runs smoothly and efficiently to meet production targets. To achieve this, businesses use an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that provides several tools to manage different aspects of the manufacturing process. One of these tools is Shop Floor Control. In this article, we will explore what it is in ERP software and how it helps manufacturers to optimize their production processes.


ERP systems provide an end-to-end solution for managing all aspects of a business, including the production process. Shop Floor Control is one of the essential tools in an ERP system that helps manufacturers manage their shop floors. With this, businesses can effectively manage their production resources, improve productivity, and maintain quality control. 

What is Shop Floor Control?

It is a module within an ERP system that provides manufacturers with a centralized platform to manage all aspects of their shop floors. The module is designed to streamline the production process by providing real-time visibility into the status of production operations. It enables businesses to track their production progress, optimize resource allocation, and monitor quality control. 

The Benefits of Shop Floor Control

Improved Production Planning

It helps businesses to optimize their production planning by providing real-time visibility into production operations. The module enables businesses to track their production progress and monitor any issues that arise during the production process. This visibility allows businesses to adjust their production schedules and allocate resources effectively, ensuring that production targets are met.

Enhanced Resource Allocation

It allows businesses to optimize their resource allocation by providing real-time visibility into the availability of resources such as labor, materials, and equipment. This visibility enables businesses to allocate resources effectively, reducing downtime and maximizing productivity.

Better Quality Control

It provides businesses with a centralized platform to manage quality control on their shop floors. The module enables businesses to track product quality and identify any issues that arise during the production process. This visibility allows businesses to take corrective action quickly, ensuring that the products produced meet the required quality standards.

Increased Efficiency

It helps businesses to increase efficiency by streamlining the production process. The module enables businesses to track production progress and identify any bottlenecks that may be causing delays. This visibility allows businesses to take corrective action quickly, ensuring that production targets are met.

Real-time Monitoring and Control

It provides real-time monitoring and control of production operations. The module enables businesses to track production progress, monitor resource utilization, and identify any issues that arise during the production process. This real-time visibility allows businesses to take corrective action quickly, ensuring that production targets are met.

Shop Floor Control

How Does it Work?

Shop Floor Control works by integrating with other modules within an ERP system, such as Production Planning, Material Management, and Quality Control. The module collects data from these modules and provides real-time visibility into production operations. This visibility allows businesses to track production progress, allocate resources effectively, and monitor quality control.

It enables businesses to schedule jobs based on their production priorities, assign workstations to employees, and manage material and labor resources. The module provides a centralized platform for employees to report their progress, report any issues, and request assistance if needed. This real-time reporting enables businesses to identify any bottlenecks in the production process and take corrective action quickly.

Best Practices for Implementing Shop Floor Control

To ensure a successful implementation of Shop Floor Control, businesses should follow best practices such as:

Conduct a thorough analysis of production processes

Businesses should analyze their production processes thoroughly before implementing Shop Floor Control to identify areas for improvement.

Train employees effectively

To ensure that employees can use Shop Floor Control effectively, businesses should provide comprehensive training that covers all aspects of the module.

Integrate with other ERP modules

Managing the production process should be seamless end-to-end with Shop Floor Control integrated with other ERP modules.


Shop Floor Control is an essential tool in an ERP system that helps businesses manage their shop floors effectively. The module provides real-time visibility into production operations, enabling businesses to optimize resource allocation, improve production planning, and maintain quality control. By implementing it, businesses can streamline their production processes and maximize productivity.

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